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Cross-Country Booking Form

Royton Road Runners will be affiliated to the South East Lancs cross-country league for winter 2023-24.

There are four races on Saturdays from 7th October 2023 to 20th January 2024.

Pre-entry costs £10 for all four races.


Once you have completed/submitted this form, please pay your £10 entry fee to the RRR account.

Please pay by bank transfer to Sort Code 30-96-26, Account No 01306698

If possible, please include your 'NAME/SELXC' as the reference

If you cannot/prefer not to pay online, please pay by cash to an RRR Committee member on a training night or at Up & Running Oldham

Registration Form
Please enter me in the:
I will pay by:
If you do not wish your photo to be taken/used by the race organisers, please indicate below

Thanks for registering. See you there!

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