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RRR Presentation Night

This year's Presentation Night takes place on Friday 6th December.


As usual the event will take place at Royton Cricket Club.

Doors open at 7pm.

Tickets cost £12.50 per head (food included).

Non-members/partners welcome!


Once you have completed the booking form below, please pay £12.50 per ticket to the RRR account

Please pay by bank transfer to Sort Code 30-96-26, Account No 01306698

If possible, please include your 'NAME/PRESENTATION' as the reference


If you cannot/prefer not to pay online, please pay by cash to an RRR Committee member on a training night or at Up & Running Oldham


Book your ticket(s) here
No of tickets required?
I will pay by:

Thanks for your booking.Don't forget to make your payment.Look forward to seeing you there on 6th December!

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